Webinar Series
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Leadership, and Team Challenges
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The Top 5 Mistakes Leaders Make When Driving Change and What To Do Instead
The Top 5 Mistakes Leaders Make When Driving Change and What To Do Instead
Are you leading your organization through an intense period of change? You might be pivoting your strategy, digitizing or maturing key operations, integrating a new business, or dealing with key leadership transitions. Your resources (human, time, budget, goodwill, etc.) are limited, and the stakes are high to get it right.
Join us for an enlightening, engaging webinar where we uncover the top mistakes leaders make when driving large-scale change and what to do instead. Nenuca Syquia (CEO & Founder) and Zahra Abdullah (Business Transformation & Organizational Development Consultant) of Better Organizations by Design (BOxD) will share actionable frameworks, stories, and proven alternatives to approach change in a better way.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Understand how large-scale change happens most effectively.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of your current efforts.
- Identify concrete strategies that you and other leaders can employ across situations.
- Engage and empower your team to make most of your resources.
The Top 5 Mistakes Leaders Make When Driving Change and What To Do Instead
Create Your High-Performing Leadership Team: What the Best Teams Have and Do
Create Your High-Performing Leadership Team: What the Best Teams Have and Do
Based on extensive research and experience working with hundreds of teams, we’ve honed in on what the best teams across industries, levels, and life cycles have in common and distilled it into an actionable framework you can use right after the session.
We’ll also deep dive into the number one determinant of individual and team performance.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Assess how your direct team compares with the best and where you should invest for the greatest impact.
- Understand how you can multiply high-performing teams across your organization.
- Lean into the concept of strengths to dramatically increase performance and engagement for:
- Yourself as a leader
- Individual leaders on your team
- Your direct team as a whole
- Tie succession planning to the concept of team effectiveness.
Create Your High-Performing Leadership Team: What the Best Teams Have and Do
Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Neurodiversity in the Workplace
What is it like to be a leader who is neurodivergent or to be a teammate to someone who is?
This eye-opening webinar explores the many ways neurodiversity shows up in the workplace. Join us as Nenuca Syquia (CEO & Founder of Better Organizations by Design (BOxD)) and Dr. Johan Wiklund (a leading expert on neurodiversity and entrepreneurship) share their insights and experiences.
What you’ll learn:
- Personal journeys: Hear firsthand accounts of navigating the workplace as a neurodivergent leader and team member.
- The power of neurodiversity: Discover the unique strengths and perspectives that neurodivergent individuals bring to teams.
- Unleashing potential: Learn strategies to maximize the strengths and address challenges associated with neurodiversity.
- Building inclusive teams: Gain practical tips for effective communication and collaboration within diverse teams.
Walk away with actionable strategies to:
- Foster a more inclusive work environment.
- Support neurodivergent colleagues.
- Advocate for yourself as a neurodivergent leader or team member.
Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Become a POWERhouse Leader who Rallies Followers and Gets Even the Impossible Done
Become a POWERhouse Leader who Rallies Followers and Gets Even the Impossible Done
Sitting at the top of the organizational pyramid and having the authority to call the shots is just one answer – and it isn’t even the best one. During this session, we’ll dive into the rich and complex concept of power and how the best leaders dial it up and down to achieve their goals.
Other leaders have described this session as “eye-opening,” “super interesting,” and “game-changing for my leadership style.”
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Understand what power truly is
- Parse apart the different sources of power and how they relate to your leadership
- Assess what kind of power you have and what kind you need to expand
- Avoid the most common mistakes people make when it comes to wielding power
- Boost your ability to flex as a leader, both within and beyond your organizational boundaries
Become a POWERhouse Leader who Rallies Followers and Gets Even the Impossible Done
Top 10 Organization Design Mistakes Most Companies Make and What to Do Differently
Top 10 Organization Design Mistakes Most Companies Make and What to Do Differently
Based on patterns across companies of all sizes, industries, and life stages, Nenuca Syquia (CEO & Founder of BOxD) will explain the most common org design mistakes leaders make and what you can do instead and why.
Here’s mistake #1: Thinking that organization design is all about org charts! (If structures and org charts are the first thing that popped into your mind, this program is absolutely for you.)
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Understand the power of organization design and why it’s more than just org charts.
- Identify what you and other leaders could do differently and why.
- Re-examine your decisions, change efforts, and investments with fresh eyes.
- Recognize the relationship between culture, organization design, and strategy and how to shift your culture.
- Expand your toolkit as a leader.
Gift BOxD - Top 10 Organization Design Mistakes Most Companies Make and What to Do Differently
Thank you for registering for the Gift BOxD – Top 10 Organization Design Mistakes Most Companies Make and What to Do Differently.
Inclusive and Equitable by Design: How to Embed DEI Into Your Organization's DNA
Inclusive and Equitable by Design: How to Embed DEI Into Your Organization's DNA
Creating more equitable and inclusive organizations powered by a diverse workforce is a priority for most companies. We establish development and training programs, stand up councils and resource groups, and lay out roadmaps for change.
But what if we could also fold DEI into our organization’s design to accelerate results? In this session, you’ll learn a new way for considering both DEI and how organizations can be set up for success.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Identify the elements of organization design
- Understand how to fold DEI into your organization’s design to accelerate results
- Examine your organization and its efforts at inclusion through a systemic lens
Inclusive and Equitable by Design: How to Embed DEI Into Your Organization's DNA
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